The setup and the execution of the electroacoustic part of this work requires a Computer Music Designer (Max expert).

Version Information

Performance date
12 octobre 2013
Documentation date
4 décembre 2013
Validation date
3 mai 2018
Augustin Muller (
Augustin Muller (Computer Music Designer)
15 min
Upgrade motivation
No Midi Piano needed. Audio following for piano 1. New transport, new follower. Max 6.1.x version, fixed harmonizers.
played in concert at the Venezia Biennale festival with Makrokosmos quartet

Other Versions

portage 20209 avril 2020

Macintel version5 novembre 2009

Premiere17 mai 1993

Detailed Staff

2 pianos, 2 percussionists

Detailed staff comes from Brahms, send mail to for correction.

Electronic Equipment List

Computer Music Equipment

1 Fireface 400
Sound Board (RME)
6 Footswitch / Sustain Pedal
Footswitch / Sustain Pedal (generic) - percussions may need more than a single pedal ...
1 MacBook Pro
Apple Laptops (Apple)
1 Max 6
Max (Cycling74) - version 6.1 or above
1 antescofo~
External objects (Ircam)

Audio Equipment

1 Mixing Console
Mixing Console (generic)
4 Loudspeaker
Loudspeakers (generic)
1 Reverberation Processor
Reverberation (generic)


Augustin Muller


Patch, score & dependencies

21.88 Mo

1.09 Go


microphones and stage setup

Loudspeakers and Midi setup

Software installation

Please use Max 6.1 or higher

Place the whole Rhizomes-2013_venise folder in your Max file preferences

DSP Status:

  • Fs : 44.1kHz
  • IO : 256
  • VS : 128
  • Overdrive : On.
  • Audio Interrupt : Off

System calibration and tests

You can use the simulations subfolder provided.
piano1_suivi-rec provides samples for testing the follower in specified sections.
Two simulations are provided : an Ableton Live project made at ircam in 2013 with the Makrokosmos quartet, and an older one (undated)

Audio Inputs

  • ADC 1 = Piano1 submix, goes to follower é FX
  • ADC 2 = Piano2 submix goes to FX
  • ADC 3 = Percussion 1 submix goes to FX
  • ADC 4 = Percussion 2 submix goes to FX

Initialization routine

  • Check that the score has been correctly loaded in the max window when the patch is loaded.
  • Check audio connections (audio on !)
  • Check midi connections (only one channel for all pedal switches).
  • Check the level of incoming piano 1 signal in antescofo (you can use subpatch score, subpatch Calibration).
  • Init
  • Reset
  • Choose start bar in menu.

Patch presentation


This patch is extremely close to the previous version in terms of DSP : only the harmonizers have been modified to fix some problems with Max 6.1.

On another hand the score and following systems have been completely rewritten. The former midi detonate-based follower has been replaced by antescofo as sequencer and audio follower : there is no need for a midi piano for piano 1. The complex system of pedals has been simplified.

We need one pedal per player which can be merged. They act as a "nextlabel" for the follower (= right arrowkey). The audio following on piano 1 is automatically triggered on and off within the score. Spacebar can be used to trig it on and off manually.

Qlists have been hence replaced by a single asco score. The structure in sections is still accessible, (nota. there is no section 3), with now a reference to actual bars.

in the score Note 120 marks a pedal event. Some previously audio followed events may have been replaced by pedal hits in rehearsals depending on the quality of the following.

Faders may be midi controlled.

We used a fader for the samples level, another for the RT effects level, and 2 masters (in/out). samps and effects ctl fader are located in the control subpatch.

Look in subpatch midi io  and make your own as this version use mackiecontrol midi format.

Performance notes

The Mac outputs will be sent to a professional quality reverberation. TR around 3secs according to the performance hall.

All speakers will be fed with reverberation (4 channel reverb welcome !).

Program Notes

« Rhizome, écrit Michael Jarrell, est un terme de botanique. C'est l'appellation d'une tige souterraine qui s'allonge en poussant soit des rameaux, soit des feuilles à l'une de ses extrémités, tandis qu'elle se détruit par l'autre. Comme l'étymologie l'indique, il s'agit d'une racine. »

Trei II pour soprano et cinq instruments (1982-1983) et Assonance VII pour un percussionniste (1992) peuvent être considérées comme les deux « racines souterraines » de Rhizomes. Ces deux œuvres explorent certaines possibilités de la superposition de périodes ou de tempi différents — possibilités que Rhizomes intègre à des « cycles de développements » continus : la simple répétition d'une note peut donner naissance à des figurations rapides, à des trémolos, à des trilles, à un son tenu, selon les embranchements que le compositeur emprunte, selon les « chemins » qu'il suit au sein des arborescences qui constituent une manière de « grammaire générative » pour la pièce.

Cette continuité mouvante se retrouve dans le travail du timbre : ainsi, la préparation de l'un des deux pianos pourra créer un « pont » vers la sonorité du wood-block. Et de fait tout le projet de Rhizomes pourrait être considéré comme un nouveau regard porté sur cette interrogation qui était au cœur de Trei II : comment intégrer la percussion, cet « élément perturbateur », au sein de l'univers tempéré ?

Updated at

Vous constatez une erreur ?


1, place Igor-Stravinsky
75004 Paris
+33 1 44 78 48 43

heures d'ouverture

Du lundi au vendredi de 9h30 à 19h
Fermé le samedi et le dimanche

accès en transports

Hôtel de Ville, Rambuteau, Châtelet, Les Halles

Institut de Recherche et de Coordination Acoustique/Musique

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