Logiciels Ircam

  • Nicolás Schmidt Gubbins (conférencier)

This presentation focuses on initial results of embedding of audio computation inside Antescofo for interactive music pieces. Embedding of audio computation inside Antescofo has two main advantages:
(1) To assure the preservation over time of interactive music pieces, with regards to changing technologies and also in terms of their behaviour;
(2) To improve low-level performance and computation in view of implementation on nomadic platforms such as Raspberry PI and UDOO.

The presentation takes over work at the MuTant team broadening the scope of Antescofo real-time language to the embedding of audio modules using the FAUST language. Audio modules, programmed in FAUST, are included in the interactive music score of Antescofo and are pre-compiled upon score load. And the experimental Antescofo used in this work is capable of undertaking audio calculations synchronously next to controls and listening machine information during the performance of an interactive piece of music.

We showcase experiments on a simplified version of “Anthemes 2” for violin and live electronic by Pierre Boulez implemented in Antescofo and FAUST, and embedded into a UDOO mini-computer. This Antescofo-Faust version replaces the message passing mechanisms common in Max and Pd patches with an embedded, context-aware and Just-In-Time compiled approach. Time Profile testing of the regular patch and the embedded version shows an improvement of 46,5% on resource utility over-time, which makes it possible for further embeddings on mini-computers such as UDOO or Raspberry PI. The goal of this project, in the long run, is to make such pieces independent of their deployment platforms by preserving their musical behavior.