d’après la traduction d’Homère par Frédéric Mugler, éditions Babel – Actes Sud
France, Gennevilliers, T2G - Théâtre de Gennevilliers.
« [il] s’approcha de lui Et lui planta son javelot dans le bas de la nuque. Le bronze sortit de ses dents en lui tranchant la langue, Et l’homme chut, serrant le bronze froid entre ses dents. » L’Iliade, Chant V, 72.
« Aucun ne vit entrer Priam. Il s’approcha d’Achille, Il lui embrassa les genoux, il lui baisa les mains, Ces terribles mains qui lui avaient tué tant de fils ! »
L’Iliade, chant XXIV, 349
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Composed by Chia Hui Chen , concert on June 23, 2018
This is an excerpt. The full version is available at the IRCAM media library
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Composed by Chia Hui Chen , concert on June 22, 2018
This is an excerpt. The full version is available at the IRCAM media library
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Composed by Chia Hui Chen , concert on June 19, 2018
This is an excerpt. The full version is available at the IRCAM media library
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Composed by Chia Hui Chen , concert on June 20, 2018
This is an excerpt. The full version is available at the IRCAM media library
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