For the ‘Surrealism’ exhibition celebrating the movement's 100th anniversary at the Centre Georges Pompidou, Ircam's Sound Analysis-Synthesis team worked on recreating a young André Breton's voice reading the Surrealist Manifesto. The media library offers a selection of resources to shed light on the team's approach and work.
The media library presents a selection of its new acquisitions.
The purpose of the documentation center is to build up and disseminate a body of references on contemporary music, on the relationship between art, science and technology, and on musical research. It also brings together all of the Institute's knowledge and creative resources: concert and conference archives, scores, scientific and popular articles, etc. All these resources are available to the public through the Ircam media library (open Tuesday to Friday, 2:00 to 5:30 pm) and the databases accessible through the portal.
La médiathèque de l'Ircam est ouverte au public du mardi au vendredi, de 14h à 17h30. La consultation est ouverte à tout le monde, l'emprunt est soumis à abonnement.