In their Nature Manifesto, an immersive work currently being broadcast in ‘La Chenille’ at the Centre Georges Pompidou, Björk and Aleph give voice to silent nature in all its resilience. Composed in collaboration with Robin Meier, computer music designer at Ircam, this work resonates with many of the Institute’s research priorities.
The media library presents a selection of its new acquisitions.
The purpose of the documentation center is to build up and disseminate a body of references on contemporary music, on the relationship between art, science and technology, and on musical research. It also brings together all of the Institute's knowledge and creative resources: concert and conference archives, scores, scientific and popular articles, etc. All these resources are available to the public through the Ircam media library (open Tuesday to Friday, 2:00 to 5:30 pm) and the databases accessible through the portal.
La médiathèque de l'Ircam est ouverte au public du mardi au vendredi, de 14h à 17h30. La consultation est ouverte à tout le monde, l'emprunt est soumis à abonnement.