Audio and loudspeakers setup
Midi setup
Each musician has a footswitch pedal to trigger sound and effects. These pedals should be connected to a MIDI converter in order to send controller messages on 4 different midi-channels.
Software installation
Copy the following folders on your Mac
- quatuor1-max
- QuatuorSampleBanks
Start Max version 6.1 (or above)
Setup the max file preferences to :
- quatuor1-max/libMax5
- quatuor1-max/Soundfiles
- QuatuorSampleBanks/quatuor_banks2014
Initialization routine
Open the quatuor2.27-max6 patch with Max 6.1
Set the DSP status :
Turn the dsp on.
Choose "1_" in the "go to" menu to initialise the pedal follower : now the patch is waiting for the first pedal (from the first violin) to start the piece.
Patch presentation
Audio Matrix
Check the midi pedals
Check each midi pedal, you can adjust their channels and polarities in the patcher pedals.
Midi mixer
It is possible to use a midi mixer to adjust the mix between realtime sound transformation, samples and global reverberation.
All the electronic event names correspond to the bar number and are precisely written in the score.
During performance, if it is necessary to resynchronise the pedal follower, you can use the following computer keyboard shortcuts :
- left arrow (or tab) : previous event
- right arrow : next event
- 1,2,3,4 : vl1,Vl2,Alto and cello pedal
If the small toggle at the left of the event menu is off,
the score follower position is set up without triggering the electronic events (it waits for the pedals).
If you put this toggle on, you trigger the electronic events, without repositioning the follower (pedals are ignored)
Pedal follower
To understand how the pedal follower works :
- open “p PedalsScore”
- clic on the topleft bang to write the “score” ...
This version uses the samplor~ object to play sample banks of string quartet sounds.
In the original version, it was possible to play these banks with soundfonts or external samplers (Akai, or Motu MachFive).
This possibility was kept in the patch, but should not be used.