Séminaire / Conférence
  • Set Ateliers du Forum
  • Saison 2022-2023 - None - None > Ateliers du Forum
  • March 31, 2023
  • Ircam, Paris
  • Marta Rossi

his project is a poetic discussion about the relationship between people, parks, and space. Whenever I go to the park, as I look around, I always wonder why people go to the park? What do parks really mean to us? What do people feel in the park? Are there any similarities? How would people think if I presented my feelings about Hyde Park in a different form in another place? I will use video, sound and projection to present my experience of Hyde Park in a place other than Hyde Park, giving the audience an immersive experience

Ateliers du forum - jour 3

From the same archive

Conclusions 24:38