Do you notice a mistake?
The presentation is intended as an introduction to deep learning and its applications in music. The presentation features the use deep auto-encoders for generating novel sounds from a hidden representation of an audio corpus, audio style transfer as shown by Ulyanov (, and future directions based on CycleGan, WaveNet, etc; as well as a high level introductions of some basic concepts in machine learning.
March 8, 2018 00:33:18
March 8, 2018 01:16:45
March 8, 2018 00:33:48
March 8, 2018 00:30:06
March 8, 2018 00:26:38
March 8, 2018 00:33:09
March 8, 2018 00:26:23
March 8, 2018 00:24:19
Do you notice a mistake?