Audio Setup
- All the electroacoustic part of Corteges is synthesised in Supercollider.
- The audio output of Supercollider is routed to the Spatialisateur (spat5.panoramix~) in Max using
- loopbacked channels in the audio board
- or through Blackhole-64ch. - The audio output of max is send to the surround loudspeaker system.
Loudspeaker setup
- A frontal PA system for voice amplification (see Tech Rider)
- 12 loudspeakers around the audience
- Subwoofers

# Midi setup
- A 2 octave keyboard in the orchestra to trigger the electronic events
Software installation
- install supercollider (version 3.13.0)
- install sc3-plugins extensions - install Blackhole 64ch
- copy the Corteges_ELECTRO_light onto your hard disk.
- open Corteges-startup.scd
- edit the Corteges-startup.scd and Corteges-ph2.scd files to point to the location of the Corteges_ELECTRO_light folder
- evaluate each line of Corteges-startup.scd one after the other (supercollider menu "evaluate line")
- open SJB_Corteges.maxpat in Max8
- SR = 48 kHz
- IO Vector Size 256
- Signal Vector Size 64
Patch presentation
- "a" : start the antescofo score
- right arrow : next event
Main patch
Initialization routine
- start the supercollider server
- in Max :
- press "a" to initialize
- DSP on
Orchestra Simulation
There is a multichannel version of the whole piece in the folder Corteges_simulation folder located in the Corteges_ELECTRO.dmg disk image
- open the 00_Cortéges_Maquette.RPP session in Reaper
- open the Corteges_simul.maxpat in MAX