Install - installation procedure
Macintosh Installation
- copy the folder called DoublePortraitConcert2006 on your hard drive.
- launch Max/MSP.
- in the options menu, click on file preferences. Then add the folder DoublePortraitConcert2006/lib and DoublePortraitConcert2006/snd.
- quit MAX
- launch the file called doublePortrait11.pat
- turn the dsp on (with the escape key)
SY77 installation
- Load the Yamaha synthesizer by sending via midi the bulk file called doubleportraitSY77.dump.
Patch presentation - main patch
The current effect program can be loaded using the menu on the left side of the main patch
Double portrait main patch
Score following - Double Portrait Sections
List of the different effects in Double Portrait.
The effects has to be loaded manually on each corresponding measure. You can load the next effect by pressing the computer keyboard right arrow.
Measure Number, Effect Name:
- 1,Prelude ;
- 11, Exposition;
- 37, Gambit;
- 67, Transition;
- 69, Prime;
- 84, Terce;
- 108, Interlude_I;
- 114, Reminiscence_I;
- 115, Sext;
- 154, Einschub;
- 160, Nones_I;
- 171, TempoGiusto_I;
- 178, Nones_II;
- 180, TempoGiusto_II;
- 189, FSharp;
- 194, PocoMenoMosso;
- 225, Reminiscence_II;
- 227, Interlude_II;
- 245, EndOfInterlude_II;
- 250, Vespers;
- 284, Reminiscence_III;
- 285, Compline;
- 315, Lauds;
Details - effects list
Double portrait electronic score