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Detailed staff comes from Brahms, send mail to ressources-contenus@ircam.fr for correction.
contains the score, patch, and a recording of the piece
397.34 Mo
### General setup :
Note : Add another computer on stage to display chronometer + event numbers. Use the PatchcomputeronStage folder on it.
Initialization routine :

The yellow number box displays the number of the current event. Use the interactive number box Section to get any section
The button Next Event allow you to activate the next event.
The number box Go to Event allows you to select a given event. This event will be played at the next Next Event button activation
Score Following Part
A simulation of the guitar is comprised in the patch, with marker to trigger event in an automatic manner (5).

This patch displays the time and number of the current event for the performers
You may have to change the IP adress of the on-stage computer in the p osc subpatcher of the main patch.
PowerBook Patch
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