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flute, oboe, clarinet, bass clarinet, bassoon, horn, trumpet, tenor/bass trombone, 2 percussionists, electronic/MIDI keyboard/synthesizer, piano, violin, second violin, viola, cello, double bass
Detailed staff comes from Brahms, send mail to ressources-contenus@ircam.fr for correction.
274.06 Mo
Re-use of some samplor sound banks designed for the piece for vibraphone.
570.35 Mo
To test the patch, this multitrack Digital Performer session contains a multi-track recording of 2 complete different version of the score, along with a midi track.
3.69 Go
2.51 Mo
259.32 Ko
Stage setup and microphones
74.56 Ko
Copy the following folders on the computer :
Start MaxMSP 5.
Set Max file preferences to:
Check the DSP Status setup :
Open the Tremplin-18 patch with MaxMSP 5.
Don't worry about the warning in max window about the missing supervp.play~ or r1_oper_init, this objects are not used.
Instrument audio channel assignment :
Check that each instrument is received correctly in the patcher ensemble. (also accessible through the "inputs" shortcuts menu)
Check the 6-channel Spatialisateur audio outputs.
The seventh audio channel output is the direct sound from the software sampler, it should be sent directly to the stage monitor situated close to the keyboard player.
Check the midi connection from the Midi keyboard to the computer.
You can select the midi port in the blue midikeyboard patcher.
Play notes and program changes on the keyboard.
To test the sustain pedal : press program 7 and play in the higher half of the keyboard (it is an electric piano preset). Check that the stage monitor level is correct.
If necessary, you can invert the sustain pedal polarity with the toggle found in the patcher samplers.
The lowest note of the keyboard (A0, MIDI21) is stopping all the soundfiles currently playing.
Check the Midi mixer.
You can select the midi port in the MIDIMIX patcher.
You should adjust the fader assignments in order to control the following parameters (check that the main window max sliders are reacting) :
To init the piece, press the init button.
The only section where antescofo is used for score following correspond to the "pgm 15" in the keyboard, the antescofo score called "marimba-pgm15.asco" is loaded automatically. This is the only "score" still used in the piece.
The ensemble should be slightly amplified.
During the performance, mix the electronic sounds and transformations according to the orchestral level.
The electronic part should be balanced with the instrumental sounds, and can be also louder at some points, make it live !
The soundfile list is located in the section1-sf coll, in the blue midikeyboard patcher.
The syntax for each line of this coll is the following :
133, sfplay 015-tam-tam.aif 4 4 0;
136, sfplay 015-018-piano-chord.wav 2 2 0;
178, sfplay 019-oboe-Fis5.aif 1 1 0;
236, sfplay 022-BCl-Cb-interval.wav 2 2 0;
235, sfplay 025-B1-fade-SD.aif 3 3 0;
237, sfplay 025-B1-quick-SD.aif 4 4 -52;
240, sfplay 025-Trb-C2.aif 1 1 0;
241, sfplay 026-F2-fade-SD-Tom.wav 3 3 0;
242, sfplay 027-F2-Cb-SD.aif 3 3 0;
229, sfplay 032-Cb-F1.aif 2 2 0;
246, sfplay 036-B3-SD-medium.aif 3 3 0;
281, sfplay 038-Trpt-A4-SD-quick.wav 4 4 0;
269, sfplay 038-Trpt-A4-SD-slow.wav 2 2 0;
282, sfplay 039-Cl-trill-SD-slower.aif 3 3 0;
284, sfplay 039-Cl-trill-SD-slow.aif 4 4 0;
243, sfplay 042-Cb-G2-SD-attack.aif 1 1 0;
256, sfplay 042-Cello-Gis3-SD-medium.aif 2 2 0;
283, sfplay 043-Brass-H3-SD-medium.wav 3 3 0;
271, sfplay 043-Brass-H3-SD-quick.wav 4 4 0;
263, sfplay 050-Oboe-SD-slow.aif 1 1 0;
264, sfplay 052-Cl-E4-SD-slow.aif 2 2 0;
270, sfplay 052-Trpt-Ais4-SD-very-slow.aif 3 3 0;
458, sfplay 060-Trpt-Ais4-SD-very-slow.aif 4 4 0;
479, sfplay 066-trpt-F5-slowest.aif 1 1 0;
464, sfplay clbb-tgr-E4.aif 2 2 -6;
478, sfplay 068-trpt-F5-slowestB.aif 3 3 0;
436, sfplay 073-Pno-H1-SD-figures.aif 4 4 0;
424, sfplay 073-Pno-H1-SD-slow-figures.aif 2 2 0;
477, sfplay 074-Vln1-F5-SD-figures.aif 1 1 0;
490, sfplay 077-Vln-F650-SD-figures.wav 3 3 0;
484, sfplay 077-Vln-F650-SD-figures-Del.aif 2 2 0;
489, sfplay 077-Vln-F650-SD-figuresB.aif 1 1 0;
471, sfplay 079-Trpt-H3-SD-figures.aif 4 4 0;
474, sfplay 081-sndA.aif 2 2 0;
475, sfplay 081-sndA.aif 3 3 0;
565, sfplay clbb-tgr-F4.aif 4 4 -6;
576, sfplay 091-097-Pno-chord-SD-A.wav 1 1 0;
574, sfplay 091-097-Pno-chord-SD-A.wav 3 3 0;
579, sfplay 099-Pno-chord-SD-B.wav 2 2 0;
588, sfplay 102-Cl-slapE4a.aif 3 3 0;
590, sfplay 104-Cl-slapE4a.aif 4 4 0;
580, sfplay 106-Cl-slapE4a.aif 1 1 0;
592, sfplay 107-Cl-slapE4a.aif 2 2 0;
529, sfplay 112-F2-1-2-3-all.aif 3 3 0;
581, sfplay 113-Pno-chord-SD-B.aif 4 4 0;
577, sfplay 115-Pno-chord-SD-A.aif 1 1 0;
541, sfplay 119-Vc-sync.aif 3 3 0;
536, sfplay 123-C2-1-2-3-all.aif 4 4 0;
589, sfplay 077-Vln-F650-SD-figures.wav 1 1 0;
591, sfplay 077-Vln-F650-SD-figures.wav 2 2 0;
570, sfplay 132-part-coda-A.aif 3 3 0;
573, sfplay 132-part-coda-B.aif 1 1 0;
575, sfplay 132-part-coda-C.aif 2 2 0;
582, sfplay 135-F2-4rth.aif 1 1 0;
728, sfplay 143-audio4-Sp2.aif 3 3 0;
729, sfplay 143-audio3-Sp2.aif 1 1 0;
733, sfplay 144-Vln1-Sp1.aif 2 2 0;
734, sfplay 145-elec15-Sp1.aif 3 3 0;
735, sfplay 145-audio4-Sp2.aif 4 4 0;
736, sfplay 148-BassCl-Sp1.aif 1 1 0;
737, sfplay 145-elec15B-Sp1.aif 2 2 0;
738, sfplay 146-Vln1-Sp1.aif 3 3 0;
740, sfplay 147-Oboe-Sp3.aif 4 4 0;
741, sfplay 148-BassCl-Sp1.aif 1 1 0;
742, sfplay 148-elec15-Sp1.aif 2 2 0;
743, sfplay 149-audio3-Sp2.aif 3 3 0;
744, sfplay 149-elec15-Sp1.aif 4 4 0;
746, sfplay 150-Oboe-Sp3.aif 1 1 0;
754, sfplay 151-CelloA-Sp1.aif 2 2 0;
755, sfplay 151-elec15-Sp1.aif 3 3 0;
756, sfplay 152-elec15-Sp1.aif 4 4 0;
757, sfplay 155-elec15-Sp1.aif 1 1 0;
822, sfplay 158-elec15-Sp1.aif 2 2 0;
824, sfplay 159-elec15-Sp1.aif 3 3 0;
825, sfplay 161-elec15-Sp1.aif 4 4 0;
863, sfplay 162-elec15-Sp1.aif 1 1 0;
850, sfplay 163-elec15-Sp1.aif 2 2 0;
861, sfplay 165-elec15-Sp1.aif 3 3 0;
847, sfplay 167-elec15-Sp1.aif 4 4 0;
856, sfplay 169-elec15-Sp1.aif 1 1 0;
855, sfplay 170-elec15-Sp1.aif 2 2 0;
854, sfplay 172-elec15-Sp1.aif 3 3 0;
852, sfplay 173-elec15-Sp1.aif 4 4 0;
862, sfplay 174-elec15-Sp1.aif 1 1 0;
848, sfplay 175-tune-filt-Aud1-Sp1.aif 2 2 0;
859, sfplay 175-elec15-Sp1.aif 3 3 0;
844, sfplay 176-tune-filt-Aud1-Sp1.aif 4 4 0;
897, sfplay 178-elec15-Sp1.aif 1 1 0;
898, sfplay 179-tune-filt-Aud1-Sp1.aif 2 2 0;
842, sfplay 180-tune-filt-Aud1-Sp1.aif 3 3 0;
900, sfplay 181-elec15-Sp1.aif 4 4 0;
901, sfplay 182-elec15-Sp1.aif 1 1 0;
839, sfplay 182-tune-filt-Aud1-Sp1.aif 2 2 0;
837, sfplay 183-elec15-Sp1.aif 3 3 0;
936, sfplay 186-tune-filt-Aud1-Sp1.aif 4 4 0;
937, sfplay 191-tune-filt-Aud1-Sp1.aif 1 1 12;
944, sfplay 195-tune-filt-Aud1-Sp1.aif 2 2 0;
966, sfplay 195-197-Fis2.aif 3 3 0;
968, sfplay 195-197-gis2.aif 4 4 0;
970, sfplay 201-Trb-Ais2.aif 1 1 0;
1079, sfplay 244-ascending.aif 3 3 -6;
1081, sfplay 244-descending.aif 1 1 0;
1708, sfplay 389-breathings-orig-CS-mixed.aif 2 2 -6;
Navigate has been performed in Miami in march 2012 by members of the New World Symphony. The conductor was Mr Michael Linville (Michael.Linville@nws.edu) and the sound engineers was Mr Roberto Toledo (Roberto.Toledo@nws.edu) and Brian Shepard.
Everything seems to run smoothly, under Max 6.
Here is a mail Brian Shepard wrote after the performance :
From: Brian Shepard
Date: 16 mars 2012 18:26:43 HNEC
To: Vassos Nicolaou
Cc: Roberto Toledo
Subject: Re: Navigate
I would like to second Roberto's comments and provide some further information about what I did with the patch.
First off, I immensely enjoyed "Navigate" and the opportunity to be involved. Congratulations on such a cool piece!
As the person who did the Max modifications, these are the things I did to the Max patch (as best I can remember). Mike, if there's something I forgot out, please add it…
Here are my suggestions for future versions of the patch:
Again, it was a really cool experience to work on this and I hope my comments help lead to more performances. Congratulations!
-- Brian
Dr. Brian K. Shepard
Assistant Professor of Pedagogical Technology
Thornton School of Music
University of Southern California
840 West 34th Street, MUS 308
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0851
Phone: 213.821.4152
Fax: 213.740.3217
Office Location: LPB G110
Email: brian.shepard@usc.edu
Updated at
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