The setup and the execution of the electroacoustic part of this work requires a Computer Music Designer (Max expert).

Version Information

Performance date
October 1, 2014
Documentation date
October 13, 2014
Validation date
May 3, 2018
  • Philippe Manoury (Composer)
  • Serge Lemouton (Computer Music Designer)
  • Sylvain Cadars (Sound engineer)
17 min
Upgrade motivation
Max6 patch + New version of antescofo~

Other Versions

Max8 2021
August 5, 2021

La Meije 2019
September 13, 2019

June 17, 2017

February 8, 2013

October 7, 2012

Detailed Staff


Detailed staff comes from Brahms, send mail to for correction.

Electronic Equipment List

Computer Music Equipment

1 Fireface 800
Sound Board (RME)
1 BCF 2000
MIDI Mixer (Behringer)
1 MacBook Pro
Apple Laptops (Apple) - OSX 10.9.4
1 synful orchestra
Virtual Instruments (Synful)
1 Max 6
Max (Cycling74) - version 6.1.8
1 Ircam Spat
Library (Ircam)
1 antescofo~
External objects (Ircam)
1 Mira
Library (Cycling74)

Audio Equipment

1 DPA 4061
Condenser Microphones (DPA)
6 Loudspeaker
Loudspeakers (generic)
1 subwoofer
Subwoofers (generic)


Serge Lemouton


Multitrack recording of the DAC, for reference or future portings

974.02 Mo

Partita ll_partition.pdf

Serge Lemouton

534.33 Ko


Hae Sun Kang


Radio-France recording of the premiere

228.27 Mo


Serge Lemouton


Contains all the max patches and applications to perform the piece

1.14 Go

manuscript first part

Philippe Manoury


with electronics

4.54 Mo

manuscript second part

Philippe Manoury


with electronics

546.42 Ko


Audio and Loudspeaker setup

Software installation

For performance reasons, 5 different patches are running simultaneously on the same computer to play the electronic part of Partita 2 :

  1. Partita-Deux-+3FC-17-2014.maxpat: The main patch using antescofo for score following and control of all the synthesis and transformation processes. The "three frequencies chord" ("3FC"), an additive synthesis controlled by a continuous sound analysis of the violin is also included in this patch.
  2. P2_synful_00bSynful synthesis used to play some automatic sequences of notes
  3. P2_spat_01b: 6 channels spatialisation
  4. P2_string_02b: Two virtual physical modeled strings synthesis

The P2_synful_00bP2_spat_01b and P2_string_02b patches should be used in their application form.

You can start all the required applications and patches by executing the script in the terminal.

files preferences:

MaxMsp file preferences should point to :

  • /PartitaDue-max-MUSICA2014/*
  • /PartitaDue-max-MUSICA2014/data/antescofo_scores

DSP Overview:

This diagram shows the audio routing between the applications:

The audio lines from 9 to 16 are used to communicate between the different applications, so the inputs should be connected to the outputs of the audio soundboard. 
You can do it :

  •  with an optical fiber loop.
  • or in the fireface software, do ctrl + click on the name of the track. It will become pink:

The patches (or applications) communicate via Open Sound Control commands through network (UDP) messages and with audio via optic fiber link on the audio card.

DSP status and IOSetup:

The IO mappings for each application are shown below:





After setting the DSP status, quit every application in order to save the settings.

System calibration and tests

test "antescofo" with the "testrecording" in "p antescofo":
On the main patch "Partita-Due-13", select "antescofo" in the menu "go to". 
(This menu contains shortcuts for easy access to important subpatches)

 1) Click on the bang (Number 1).  It resets everything in antescofo.
 2) Choose a score (for example "Partita-II.1.asco"). 
 3) Choose the event you want to go to. 
 4) Click on play and check that it commands all other patches.
 5) Calibrate antescofo by clicking in the "p calibration" in "p antescofo".
  Check the toggle "Calibrate $1", the waveform must be close to 1:

Simulation test:

in "Partita-2-13", choose "simulation" in the "go to" menu.
This window opens:

We have done 2 recordings of the solo violin part, in "Partita-Due/snd/filage160712" and "Partita-Due/snd/filage170712".

  • Start the follower in the antescofo window as it is explained in the "initialization routine",
  • Choose "filage160712" for example (arrow number1),
  • It will automaticallycheck "play" in the simulation window(number 3), and you will see sound on the meter (number 4).

There are also markers on the recordings called "filage 170712" and "filage 160712"
To begin for example at part 2, number 50 in the score, you can choose it in the window below the file name (number 2).

The simulation violin sound is routed to dac7.

Initialization routine

Run all the patches (2) and applications (3). (see "Software installation")

Open the antescofo window located in the main patch with the "go to" menu.

    1. Reset antescofo by clicking on the blue button between "score" and "jump to cue" (arrow number 1)
    2. Choose the score below "score".
    3. Then you can : 
      • "start" (arrow number 6 in System calibration and teststest"antescofo") if you follow the musician or
      • "play" (arrow number 4 in System calibration and teststest"antescofo") if you want to play the electronic part alone without following anything.

Patch presentation

You can stop the follower by unchecking "suivi" and follow evenements manually with the space bar.

MIDI mixer Setup

Faders of the midi mixer (BCF2000) are programmed to control some parameters during the concert:

 fader  initial value  ctl chan 
 Master 127 
 Direct 100 
 string1 64 
 string2 64 
 3fc 64  7
 sampler 64 
 synful 64 
(effects level)

Performance notes

For the sound engineer: The violin must be amplified throughout the whole piece except between event I.5 and event I.18 with a crescendo between I.18 and I.19.

For the Computer Music Designer: Score following (with antescofo) is automatic in most of this work except :

  • at the events II.12, II.22bis, II.39, 
  • from II.46 to II.48 included, 
  • II.58, II.59, 
  • and from II.65 to the end of the second movement 

For these events, you should follow manually the intrumentalist (using the space bar).

  • In the perpetuum mobile movement (movement4), click on play precisely when the violinist plays the fist note, the instrumentalist follows the electronic sequence.
  • The follower is on at the beginning of the last movement (until the end of the piece)
  • slow fade-out (approximately 15 ") at the end of the piece.

Updated at

Do you notice a mistake?


1, place Igor-Stravinsky
75004 Paris
+33 1 44 78 48 43

opening times

Monday through Friday 9:30am-7pm
Closed Saturday and Sunday

subway access

Hôtel de Ville, Rambuteau, Châtelet, Les Halles

Institut de Recherche et de Coordination Acoustique/Musique

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