Loudspeaker setup
Software Installation
- Copy the Pluton2020-max8-v3.0 folder into a new folder exactly named Pluton2020-max8-v3.0 on your hard disk
- Install the antescofo package
- Install the spat5 package
- Open Pluton2020-max8-v3.0.maxproj with max8
MIDI Configuration
Depending on your MIDI mixer, you may have to change the patch's initial MIDI configuration. Go to the p MIDI-mix > patcher MIDIMix subpatcher, and adjust the parameters according to your needs. Or you can alternately reprogram your MIDI device: the Max patch expects MIDI Control Change messages from controllers number 71 to 76 respectively.
Patch presentation
DSP Status
- SR : 48k
- iovs : 64
- signal vector size : 64
- overdrive on
- audio interrupt on (mandatory)
Keyboard shortcuts
- right arrow : play next event (antescofo nextlabel)
- space bar : play next action (subevent, see score)
- left arrow : play previous cue (previous label)
- up arrow : play aleatoric chord to markov matrix for end of section IIF
- c : switch follower on/off
Patch options
Prerecorded samples
it exists two versions of the prerecorded samples : one by Ilmo Ranta (recorded in 1995 for the Ondine CD) and the other recorded in 2021 by Dimitri Vassilakis (on a Bosendorfer). You can choose one or the other using the ChooseSample menu.
You can use the chowning reverberator (used in the genuine 1988 version of Pluton) instead of the Ircam Spatialisateur using the rev_mode menu.
The midi_mode message controls how MIDI informations coming from the MIDI piano are replaced in this version :
midi_mode :
- antescofo_midifile : le midi est joué à partir defichier midi chargé et lus par antescofo:@midi_read
- antescofo_seq2 : midi joué à partir des messages tnote2 generes par la fonction @pluton_note dans la prtition antescofo
- antescofo : midi detecté et renvoyé par antescofo avec velocité detectée par detection d’amplitude sur le signal
- antescofo_novel : midi joué à partir des messages tnote generes par la fonction @pluton_note ou @pluton_chord dans la prtition antescofo
- fiddle : (pour III.E, S et M, IVD.10) use fiddle !
- transcribe ; arshia cont object (IIF10 à 27)
Check list
- dsp on
- check the piano microphones
- check the mixer (Mira or midi mixer)
- to initialize everything :
- select pluton_0_init in the antescofo score selection menu on the main window - to start section 1
- select *pluton_I_v4/asco.txt"
Score following
If you don't have a piano midi, real time piano score following is not reliable enough to be used for the synchronisation of the whole piece. The Computer Music performer should be ready to trigger manually the cues using the computer keyboard or any other midi device.
- sub-events triggered with the space bar (cf keyboard shortcuts)
* II.7
* II.8
* II.25
* II.26
* IIF.21
* III.R1, R2, R3
- aleatoric chord with arrow up (cf keyboard shortcuts) at IIF.27
To test the patch and rehearse without the pianist you can use the provided recording of the solo piano part (audio and midi were recorded simultaneously). This allows you to test the patch (sound transformation and score following) before the rehearsal.
- open the simulation patcher,
- initialize the section you want to test on the main patch
- select the section in the patcher simulation
- play the simulation
- the patch should follow the simulation and work automatically
The order of section III sequence is fixed as followed :
R1 A3 A2 R2 A1 R3 E R4 R5 M R6 A4 A5 R7 R8 R9 S
If you want to change this order you can generated a new antescofo score using the javascript script in the subpatch entitled forme_ouverte
Score Following (if any...)
Open the bachscograph subpatcher to monitor score following.
Follow the performance, in order to re-synchronize the score follower if it gets lost...
If the score follower lags behind, you can advance events manually by clicking the advance events button. If it gets in advance, you can disable/enable the follower with the start/stop follower toggle.
Correspondance between score and antescofo score patch
- 1 I
- 2 II
- 3 IIF p.19
- 21 III p.26 (forme ouverte)
- 22 p.28 (simulation part31)
- 31 IVA p.29
- 32 IVB
- 33 IVC
- 34 IVD
- 40 VA (Cadenza)
- 41 VB p.49
- 42 VD
- 43 VE
- 44 VF
- In the DSP patch the “stereo” is indeed mono !!!
- if you own a midi piano we recommand to use the pure data version of the patch
mini midi keyboard setup
To perform the "sequences fonctionnelles" in section III, an optional midi keyboard (played by the pianist) can be used to replace the silent notes from the original version. (cf the miniKeyboard subpatch in the MIDI patch)
notes :
- section E :
- G# (midi 56) : start
- A (57) : stop - section M :
- F# (54) : start
- G (55) : stop - section S :
- Bb (58) : start
- B (59) : stop