general information

composition date
between 3 min and 5 min
Universal Edition, Tesin


Chamber music (Percussion duo)

detailed formation

2 other percussions [battement des mains]

information about the creation

April 27, 1973

États-Unis, New York University


Russ Hartenberger, Steve Reich.

Information on the electronics

Electronic device

Program note

Clapping music est une pièce qui ne fait appel à « aucun instrument à part le corps humain » ; la seule source sonore est la même que celle dont dispose le public dans le rituel du concert : battre des mains – applaudir ! Des deux exécutants de Clapping music, l'un a un rôle fixe, en répétant un motif unique jusqu'à la fin du morceau. L'autre doit réaliser ce même motif, d'abord de façon strictement synchrone, puis en le décalant brutalement d'une croche après chaque cycle de douze répétitions identiques. Clapping music se termine lorsque la boucle est bouclée, le second interprète étant revenu à son point de départ.

Avec ces règles simples, Steve Reich parvient à engendrer un jeu complexe : chaque translation fait naître une figure nouvelle.

Peter Szendy.


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Clapping music

Composed by Steve Reich , concert on June 14, 2001

This is an excerpt. The full version is available at the IRCAM media library

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Clapping music

Composed by Steve Reich , concert on March 28, 1991

This is an excerpt. The full version is available at the IRCAM media library

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Clapping music

Composed by Steve Reich , concert on April 30, 1994

This is an excerpt. The full version is available at the IRCAM media library

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Clapping music

Composed by Steve Reich , concert on June 14, 1998

This is an excerpt. The full version is available at the IRCAM media library

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Clapping music

Composed by Steve Reich , concert on August 3, 2000

This is an excerpt. The full version is available at the IRCAM media library

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Clapping music

Composed by Steve Reich , concert on June 12, 1998

This is an excerpt. The full version is available at the IRCAM media library

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Clapping music

Composed by Steve Reich , concert on June 13, 1998

This is an excerpt. The full version is available at the IRCAM media library

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Clapping music

Composed by Steve Reich , concert on June 15, 2001

This is an excerpt. The full version is available at the IRCAM media library

similar works

This entry is encyclopaedic in nature and does not reflect the collections of the Ircam media library. Please refer to the "scores" entries.

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75004 Paris
+33 1 44 78 48 43

opening times

Monday through Friday 9:30am-7pm
Closed Saturday and Sunday

subway access

Hôtel de Ville, Rambuteau, Châtelet, Les Halles

Institut de Recherche et de Coordination Acoustique/Musique

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