Mis à jour le 12 décembre 2016

Sir Peter Maxwell Davies

Compositeur britannique né le 8 septembre 1934 à Salford et mort le 14 mars 2016 à Sanday (Orcades).


  • Stephen ARNOLD, « The Music of Taverner Â», Tempo, No. 101, 1972, p. 20–39.
  • Stephen ARNOLD, « Peter Maxwell Davies Â», inLewis Foreman (ed.), British Music Now, Londres, 1975, p. 71–85.
  • Michael CHANAN, « Dialectics in Peter Maxwell Davies Â», Tempo, No. 90, 1969, p. 12–22.
  • Majel CONNERY, « Peter Maxwell Davies’s Worst Nightmare: Staging the Unsacred in the Operas Taverner and Resurrection Â», Opera Quarterly, Vol. 25, 2009, 247–269.
  • Stewart CRAGGS, Peter Maxwell Davies: A Source Book, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2002.
  • Richard DUFALLO, Trackings: Composers Speak with Richard Dufallo, New York et Londres, 1989, p. 143–155.
  • Kenneth GLOAG et Nicholas JONES (eds), Peter Maxwell Davies Studies, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2009.
  • Paul GRIFFITHS, Peter Maxwell Davies, Londres, Robson Books, 1982.
  • Paul GRIFFITHS, « Peter Maxwell Davies’s Piano Sonata Â», Tempo, No. 140, 1982, p. 5–9.
  • Paul GRIFFITHS, New Sounds, New Personalities: British Composers of the 1980s in Conversation, Londres, Faber, 1985, p. 31–8.
  • Jonathan HARVEY, « Maxwell Davies’s Songs for a Mad King Â», Tempo, No. 89, 1969, p. 2–6.
  • Renate JEUTNER, Peter Maxwell Davies: ein Komponistenporträt, Bonn, 1983.
  • Nicholas JONES, Â« "Preliminary Workings": the Precompositional Process in Maxwell Davies’s Third Symphony Â», Tempo, No. 204, 1998, p. 14–22.
  • Nicholas JONES, Analytical Perspectives on the Third Symphony of Peter Maxwell Davies, thèse, UniversitĂ© de Cardiff, 1999.
  • Nicholas JONES, « Peter Maxwell Davies’s "Submerged Cathedral": Architectural Principles in the Third Symphony Â», Music & Letters, Vol. 81, 2000, p. 402–432.
  • Nicholas JONES, « Dominant Logic: Peter Maxwell Davies’s basic unifying hypothesis Â», Musical Times, Vol. 132, 2002, p. 37–45.
  • Nicholas JONES, Â« Playing the Great Game? Peter Maxwell Davies, Sonata Form, and the Naxos Quartet No.1 Â», Musical Times, Vol. 146, 2005, p. 71–81.
  • Nicholas JONES, « Peter Maxwell Davies in the 1950s: a Conversation with the Composer Â», Tempo, No. 254, 2010, p. 11–19.
  • Gabriel JOSIPOVICI, « Taverner: Thoughts on the Libretto Â», Tempo, No. 101, 1972, p. 12–19.
  • Rodney LISTER, « Peter Maxwell Davies’s "Naxos" Quartets Â», Tempo, No. 232, 2005, p. 2–12.
  • Henning Lohner, « Peter Maxwell Davies and his Opera The Martyrdom of St Magnus: an Interview with the Composer Â», Interface (Journal of New Music Research), Vol. 13, No. 4, 1984, p. 225–247.
  • Richard McGREGOR, « The Maxwell Davies Sketch Material in the British Library Â», Tempo, No. 196, 1996, p. 9–19; No. 197, 1996, p. 20–22.
  • Richard McGREGOR (ed.), Perspectives on Peter Maxwell Davies, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2000.
  • Richard McGREGOR, « Reading the Runes Â», Perspectives of New Music, Vol. 38, No. 2, 2000, p. 5–29.
  • Richard McGREGOR, « Walking the Line: Deconstructing Identity, Suicide and Betrayal in Peter Maxwell Davies’s Mr Emmet Takes a Walk Â», Cambridge Opera Journal, Vol. 24, No. 3, 2012, p. 319–351.
  • Ann K. MCNAMEE, « Elision and Structural Levels in Peter Maxwell Davies’s Dark Angels Â», in J.M. Baker, D.W. Beach et J.W. Bernard (eds), Music Theory in Concept and Practice, Rochester, NY, 1997, p. 481–520.
  • Raymond MONELLE, « An Allegory of Ars Antiqua: Peter Maxwell Davies’s Antechrist Â», in M. Jablonski and J. Steszewski (eds), Interdisciplinary Studies in Musicology, Poznan, 1995, p. 209–226.
  • Peter OWENS, « Revelation and Fallacy: Observations on Compositional Technique in the Music of Peter Maxwell Davies Â», Music Analysis, Vol. 13, 1994, p. 161–202.
  • Stephen PRUSLIN, « Maxwell Davies’s Second Taverner Fantasia Â», Tempo, No. 73, 1965, p. 2–11.
  • Stephen PRUSLIN, « The Triangular Space: Davies’s Ave maris stella Â», Tempo, No. 120, 1977, p. 16–22.
  • Stephen PRUSLIN (ed.), Peter Maxwell Davies : Studies from Two Decades, Tempo booklet, Londres, Boosey & Hawkes, 1979.
  • Stephen PRUSLIN, Â«  "One if by Land, Two if by Sea": Maxwell Davies the Symphonist Â», Tempo, No. 153, 1985, p. 2–6.
  • David ROBERTS, Techniques of Composition in the Music of Peter Maxwell Davies, thèse, UniversitĂ© de Birmingham, 1986.
  • Philip RUPPRECHT, « "Something Slightly Indecent": British Composers, the European Avant-garde, and National Stereotypes in the 1950s Â», Musical Quarterly, Vol. 91, No. 3–4, 2008, p. 275–326.
  • Philip RUPPRECHT, British Musical Modernism: the Manchester Group and their Contemporaries, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2015.
  • Raymond MURRAY SCHAFER, British Composers in Interview, Londres, 1963, p. 173–82.
  • Mike SEABROOK, Max: the Life and Music of Peter Maxwell Davies, Londres, 1994.
  • Carolyn J. SMITH, Peter Maxwell Davies: a Bio-Bibliography, Westport, 1995.
  • Brunhilde SONNTAG, « Interview mit Peter Maxwell Davies Â», Zeitschrift fĂĽr Musikpädagogik, Vol. 8, No. 21, 1983, p. 3–17.
  • Steve SWEENEY-TURNER, « Resurrecting the Antechrist: Maxwell Davies and Parody – Dialectics or Deconstruction? Â», Tempo, No. 191, 1994, p. 14–20.
  • John WARNABY, « Westerlings: a Study in Symphonic Form Â», Tempo, No. 147, 1983, p. 15–22.
  • John WARNABY, The Music of Sir Peter Maxwell Davies based on the Writings of George Mackay Brown, thèse, Open University, 1990.
  • John WARNABY, « Maxwell Davies’ Resurrection: Origins, Themes and Symbolism Â», Tempo, No. 191, 1994, p. 6–10.
  • Arnold WHITTALL, « Comparatively Complex: Birtwistle, Maxwell Davies and Modernist Analysis Â», Music Analysis, Vol. 13, 1994, p. 139–159.
  • Arnold WHITTALL, « Peter Maxwell Davies and the problem of Classicizing Modernism Â», in H. Danuser (ed.), Die klassizistische Moderne in der Musik des 20. Jahrhunderts, Bâle, 1997, p. 143–151.
  • Arnold WHITTALL, « Cross-Currents and Convergences: Britten, Maxwell Davies and the Sense of Place Â», Tempo, No. 204, 1998, p. 5–11.
  • Alan E. WILLIAMS, « Madness in the Music Theatre Works of Peter Maxwell Davies Â», Perspectives of New Music, Vol. 38, No. 1, 2000, p. 77–100.

Discographie sélective

  • Peter MAXWELL DAVIES, Portrait: Works by Peter Maxwell Davies from the 1960s and 1970s : O magnum mysterium, Seven In Nomine, Second Fantasia on John Taverner’s In Nomine, Antechrist, Missa super L’homme armĂ©, From Stone to Thorn, Lullaby for Ilian Rainbow, Hymn to St Magnus. London Sinfonietta, New Philharmonia Orchestra, The Fires of London, The Choir and Orchestra of Cirencester Grammar School, dir., Peter Maxwell Davies, David Atherton, Charles Groves. 2 cd Decca/Universal Classics, 2004, No. 475 6166.
  • Peter MAXWELL DAVIES, Ave Maris Stella, Psalm 124, Dove, Star-Folded, Economies of Scale. Gemini Ensemble, 1 cd Metier, 2008, No. B00142X52S.
  • Peter MAXWELL DAVIES, Miss Donnithorne’s Maggot, Eight Songs for a Mad King. The Fires of London, dir., Peter Maxwell Davies, mezzo-soprano, Mary Thomas, baryton, Julius Eastman. 1 cd Unicorn Kanchana, 1993, No. DKP (CD) 9052.
  • Peter MAXWELL DAVIES, Naxos Quartets Nos 1–10. Maggini Quartet. 5 cd Naxos, 2009, Nos 8.557396, 8.557397, 8.557398, 8.557399, 8.557400.
  • Peter MAXWELL DAVIES, Revelation and Fall, Leopardi Fragments, Five Pieces. Melos Ensemble, Pierrot Players, dir., John Carewe, Peter Maxwell Davies ; soprane, Mary Thomas, contralte, Rosemary Phillips , piano, John Ogdon. 1 cd EMI, 2004, No. 724358618723.
  • Peter MAXWELL DAVIES, Solstice of Light, Five Carols, Hymn to the Word of God. The Choir of King’s College, Cambridge, tĂ©nor, Neil Mackie tenor, orgue, Christopher Hughes. 1 cd Argo, 1992, No. 436 119-2.
  • Peter MAXWELL DAVIES, Symphony No. 1, Points and Dances from Taverner. Philharmonia Orchestra, dir., Simon Rattle ; The Fires of London, dir. Peter Maxwell Davies. 1 cd Decca/Universal, 2003, No. B00009V8VP / UCJ 473 721-2.
  • Peter MAXWELL DAVIES, Symphony No. 2, St Thomas Wake. BBC Philharmonic, dir., Peter Maxwell Davies. 1 cd Naxos, 2012, No. 8.572349.
  • Peter MAXWELL DAVIES, Symphony No. 3, Cross Lane Fair. BBC Philharmonic, dir., Peter Maxwell Davies. 1 cd Naxos, 2012, No. 8.572350.
  • Peter MAXWELL DAVIES, Symphonies No. 4 and 5. Philharmonia Orchestra, Scottish Chamber Orchestra, dir., Peter Maxwell Davies. 1 cd Naxos, 2012, No. 8.572351.
  • Peter MAXWELL DAVIES, Symphony No. 10 “Alla ricerca di Borromini*”*. London Symphony Orchestra, dir., Antonio Pappano, baryton, Markus Butter. 1 cd LSO, 2015, No. LSO0767.
  • Peter MAXWELL DAVIES, Taverner. BBC Symphony Orchestra, dir., Oliver Knussen. 1 cd NMC, 2009, No. D157.
  • Peter MAXWELL DAVIES, The Martyrdom of St Magnus. Music Theatre Wales, Scottish Chamber Opera Ensemble, dir., Michael Rafferty. 1 cd Unicorn Kanchana, 2016, No. DKP (CD) 9100.
  • Peter MAXWELL DAVIES, Trumpet Concerto, Renaissance Scottish Dances, Turris Campanarum Sonantium. BBC Philharmonic Orchestra, The Fires of London, dir., Peter Maxwell Davies, Elgar Howarth ; trompette, HĂĄkan Hardenberger, percussion, Stomu Yamash’ta. 1 cd Decca, 2002, No. 473 430-2.

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