hall plan
Install - Installation Front Plan
Elevation View
Connexion setup diagram - Audio Connexions Diagram
Mixer Diagram
Install - installation
Max Patch
Mount the Droben_update2018 on your Macintosh. Then follow the next instructions.
Max File Preferences
Add the following folders to Max preferences:
restart Max
Max Audio Status
Sampling Rate = 44100 Hz
NO audio input : This Patch consist only in a sampler.
An external reverberation could be used to en hance the overall and solo doublebass sound.
6 outputs (dacs)
Main patch
How to Use the Concert Patch
Launch the patch __Droben Player 35DP-Oberheim_m664b.maxpat
- set the devices in the midi patcher (set foot_switch ctl = 64 or 65 and midi channel =1)
- Press the button 1) Reset
- Press the button 2) and wait for the sounds loading (see Max/MSP console)
- turn dacs on
- Press the button 3)
- Activate the notegate, pgmgate and _spacebar toggles
- If the toggle _checkkeyboard is activated, MIDI notes will be displayed but sounds will not start. Activate this toggle to trigger the events with the keyboard.
Play event allows you to activate events too. You can use the button ++ or -- to go to the next or previous event.
The events can be activated by using the keyboard pedal (controler 64).
About droben_play_list file
This patch use the files droben_play_list and cue_note for the play-list process. The first file allows you to associate a note and a MIDI program to a sound file. The file cue_note is a sequential file allowing you to play a sound file, one after the other, by using the foot-switch pedal or by pressing the space bar.
- prog note file_name dB output (length) (env x-y points pour fade-in fade-out)
- ex: 1 48 m.026-quad -3 six
It means that the MIDI note 48 (do) of the first program activates the sound file m.026-quad with -3dB on all six speakers. You can add linear fade_in and fade_out as options for the envelope following